Etsy Small Business Tips: Christmas Sales

Friday, December 9, 2011

Etsy Small Business Tips: Christmas Sales

This post will focus on solely Christmas Sales for Etsy Small business owners.  Feel free to apply this to any ecommerce site. 

We are now reaching the Nitti gritty there are exactly 13 shipping days left for the Christmas Rush.  You want to pull in those last few sales, but you have had sales in the past and no one uses your coupon code, matter of fact there is no one in your shop.  Let’s grind out the next 13 days and see if these changes can pull in some extra business.

1 – Double Sale

That’s right scary but true do a double dip, offer that extra incentive for your buyer to purchase from you and not the next guy.  With the world wide web being well as big as the world you need to step up to the plate to amount to the other competition.  Sad but true, if you are not a power seller just yet chances are you need the boost of a double sale.

Example:  Free Shipping Off Every Order!
Spend 50.00 Get an additional 10% off
Spend 100.00 Get an Additional 15% Off
Spend 150.00 Get an Additional 20% Off

Scary but true offering discounts starts to make you count on your hands and toes how much your profit is dwindling.  That’s where your wrong, if you are properly pricing your items with a decent profit margin, overhead, packaging, cost of materials, and labor you should be able to swing this type of sale no problem.   Bottom line people love choices especially when saving money.

2 – Liquidating Merchandise

In the process of this sale you will do what you love most besides creating and that’s selling.  Get rid of merchandise to refresh your shop with newer material, and now you will have the income to put back into your business.  Now were starting a pattern, selling! 

3 – Tagging your Sale
You can use sites like Etsy On Sale to add tags in one batch to your items such as sale, Christmas sale, free shipping etc.  When you want to stop the sale you can then remove that tag,  and it will remove them in one batch.  There is a fee for this service but if you never used Etsy on Sale you get four free credits.

You can also put your shop on sale without any promo codes, it will automatically reduce prices by dollar amount or percentage.

Click link below:

3-  Promoting Sales:

As part of the Team Etsy Entrepreneurs Holiday Challenge 2011 we are inviting 16 shops to promote one item of there choice to a holiday sale team treasury.  Your item will be featured and in the description of the treasury will state All shops featured in this treasury are running different promotions feel free to click and take advantage of the holiday sales.

All team members participating must post this treasury and promote for the next two weeks by blogging, tweeting, facebook, or share with other promotion teams.

We did a similar challenge in the past that brought a lot of views to our team members.  If successful we can repeat challenge for other holidays such as Valentines Day, Saint Pattys Day, Easter etc.
Link to Etsy Entrepreneurs:

Happy Sales,
